تأثير العوامل المناخية على عزل وتشخيص الفطريات الناتجة عن النشاط الميكروبي في بيئة الهواء الجوي بمدينة البيضاء - ليبيا.
air pollution, climatic factors, glass traps, fungi, microbial activityAbstract
Fungi are distributed and spread widely, as they are found in all parts of the world, Fungi are affected by environmental factors, the most important of which are temperature, humidity, wind, and geographical location. This study was conducted in the city of Al-Bayda, eastern Libya, to determine the effect of climatic factors on the fungal spread of fungi residing in the air environment and resulting from Microbial activity of garbage dumps, by trapping them and conducting the process of isolation and classification according to fungal genera. Glass traps were distributed in 13 points. In the city, these traps were collected and transferred to the fungi laboratory in the Prevention Department - Omar Al-Mukhtar University. The isolation process was carried out from the glass traps that were collected. The results showed that the number of fungi isolated from the air environment reached 14 fungal genera, where the largest number of fungal colonies were: Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus spp, Penicillium spp, and Rhizopus spp (10.93%, 5.83%, 24.34%, 15.44%, 9.31%), respectively. While the number of fungal colonies of Fusarium spp, Alternaria spp, Trichoderma spp, and Mucor spp decreased, it was also found that the highest fungal prevalence of the isolated fungi was during the summer and fall, while the prevalence decreased clearly during the winter and spring. It was noted that environmental factors have an impact on the growth of fungi. And its spread. The growth and presence of most fungi varied with temperature, and relative humidity had no significant effect on the activity of fungi, as they were present in all periods. Rain rates and the speed and direction of the wind played a role in the growth and spread of fungi residing in the air, as a difference was observed in the growth and spread of isolated fungi depending on the amounts of rain and the speed and direction of the wind. It was also found that most of the fungi isolated from the air are pathogenic fungi.