تقييم تأثير مخلفات البطاريات الجافة على نمو نباتي البصل Allium cepa والجرجير Eruca Sativa في منطقة وادي الشاطئ - ليبيا

  • أسماء محمد عبدالرحمن قسم علوم البيئة / كلية البيئة والموارد الطبيعية – جامعة وادي الشاطئ / ليبيا


Over the past years, world's population increase has been accompanied by an increase in the production and consumption of mineral resources in soil. This study aimed to assess the effects of dry battery wastes on the growth of Allium cepa and Eruca Sativa plants, by estimating battery consumption in the region and the volume of such wastes. In addition, the seeds were planted into soil samples in which battery wastes were added by concentrations of 0, 5, 10, and 15%.

The results showed that the annual consumption of batteries in the region is about 60g per family. It was also noticed that increasing the concentration of battery treatment increased the height of arugula and the length of onion roots. However, the height of onion and roots of arugula decreased as treatment’s concentration increased. The treatment with batteries also decreased the pH to 7.8 and 7.75in onion and arugula respectively where as electrical conductivity, cation exchange capacity, and organic matter increased to 2484mmose/cm, 39.98meq/100gand 5.08%, respectively.

There searcher recommends raising the awareness about the effect of battery wastes, and finding appropriate ways to recycle such wastes.

Author Biography

أسماء محمد عبدالرحمن, قسم علوم البيئة / كلية البيئة والموارد الطبيعية – جامعة وادي الشاطئ / ليبيا

قسم علوم البيئة / كلية البيئة والموارد الطبيعية – جامعة وادي الشاطئ / ليبيا

How to Cite
عبدالرحمنأ. (2023). تقييم تأثير مخلفات البطاريات الجافة على نمو نباتي البصل Allium cepa والجرجير Eruca Sativa في منطقة وادي الشاطئ - ليبيا. Scientific Journal of Applied Sciences of Sabratha University, 80-96. https://doi.org/10.47891/sabujas.v0i0.80-96