• Ahmed Elajeli Rgibi Department of computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sabratha University, Libya
  • Abdusamea Ibrahim Omer Department of computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sabratha University, Libya
  • Amany Khalifa Alarbish Department of computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sabratha University, Libya
  • Amal Apojila Osha Department of computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sabratha University, Libya
Keywords: deadlock, algorithms, detection, RAG, FWG, graph


Concurrency in computing systems brings numerous benefits, but it also introduces challenges, including the potential occurrence of deadlocks. Deadlocks arise when multiple processes are unable to proceed due to each waiting for a resource held by another process, halting system progress and leading to resource wastage. The knowledge gap in deadlock detection in concurrent programming involves understanding various techniques and algorithms to identify and prevent deadlocks. Also, distinguish the difference between deadlock detection algorithms. In this work, the deadlock detection process and various deadlock detection algorithms used in concurrent programming were explored. Additionally, a variety of these algorithms were discussed in depth, including the banker's algorithm, the wait-for graph algorithm, and the resource allocation graph algorithm. It was also provided with a comprehensive explanation to help understand how it works. Moreover, an analysis was conducted on the strengths, weaknesses, and performance characteristics of different deadlock detection techniques.

Author Biographies

Ahmed Elajeli Rgibi, Department of computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sabratha University, Libya

Department of computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sabratha University, Libya

Abdusamea Ibrahim Omer, Department of computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sabratha University, Libya

Department of computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sabratha University, Libya

Amany Khalifa Alarbish, Department of computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sabratha University, Libya

Department of computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sabratha University, Libya

Amal Apojila Osha, Department of computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sabratha University, Libya

Department of computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sabratha University, Libya

How to Cite
Rgibi, A., Omer, A., Alarbish, A., & Osha, A. (2024). EXPLORING DEADLOCK DETECTION ALGORITHMS IN CONCURRENT PROGRAMMING: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION. Scientific Journal of Applied Sciences of Sabratha University, 106-117. https://doi.org/10.47891/sabujas.v0i0.106-117