مشاكل تقدير القوام في الترب الجيرية

  • علي محمد عبدالله العيساوي مركز البحوث الزراعية البيضاء, ليبيا


The study was conducted to examine the effect of removing CaCO3 only, removing OM only, and removing them together on estimating the texture in calcareous soils for (4) soil samples from three regions of eastern Libya: Benghazi (1), Benghazi (2), Marawa, and Al-Bayda. These soils vary in the percentage of CaCO3 and OM. The texture was estimated. The soil was processed through 4 treatments: not removing the binder material, removing CaCO3 only, removing OM only, and removing both together. The texture was estimated by removing the weight of the binder material in each treatment when calculating the texture.

The results showed that there was no variation in texture for the soil that contained a low percentage of CaCO3 and OM, “6.14%-1.56%,” respectively, as in the soil of Benghazi (2), where the texture was “silty-clay-loam” while the variation was little in the soil of Benghazi (1) with the presence of a small percentage of OM, “1.2%,” despite the high percentage of CaCO3 to 17%. When the colliding materials were not removed and only CaCO3 was removed, the texture was loam. When removing only OM, the texture was “silty-clay-loam” As for removing both, the texture was “clay-loam".

This variation was greater in Al-Bayda soil, from “silty-clay” in the untreated soil to clay when only OM was removed, to “sandy-clay-loam” when only CaCO3 was removed, to “clay-loam” when both were removed, but with an increase in CaCO3 with a small percentage of OM, as in Marawa soil, the texture It was “sandy-loam” in all transactions.

Author Biography

علي محمد عبدالله العيساوي, مركز البحوث الزراعية البيضاء, ليبيا

مركز البحوث الزراعية البيضاء, ليبيا

How to Cite
العيساويع. (2024). مشاكل تقدير القوام في الترب الجيرية. Scientific Journal of Applied Sciences of Sabratha University, 142-156. https://doi.org/10.47891/sabujas.v0i0.142-156